Sunday, December 25, 2011

Word of the Week: Renewal

First, a timeless Christmas tune to set the mood... :<)

gotta love Luther's silky, sexy voice....

What a wonderful time of year to think about: renewal.

I was so happy to see this as a prompt over at OSI, especially at this special time of year.
Thanks dear Sandy for the great suggestion!

I hope that 2012 is a wonderful, prosperous and special year for all of my readers.
Here's to the wonder and possibilities of  renewal.

 And to wishes and dreams that do come true!

Happy, Happy Holidays!


PS: I'm taking the month of January to complete my novel so I won't be posting for a while. I'll still be blog-visiting now and then and back to posting in February. See you all soon.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Also submitted for the OSI prompt: Renewal

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mr. Cheddar Needs Your Votes!

Calling all Facebook fans.

Mr. Cheddar has an entry in a photo contest, in the "lazy" cat category.
He's not lazy of course but cat-napping is a close second!!!! 

Click here to vote for Mr. Cheddar and to check out the competition.

Personally, I think the Ched's a "paw-in" but I may be just a bit biased LOL

Thanks for your support, from me and the Cheddar. :<)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Word of the Week: Inspiration!

That's how I've been feeling lately: truly inspired!

You may remember this previous post about my current novel project. Well, my little journal has been filled since that post was written. I have been writing my novel, on my computer since then.

 For the most part, it's been going very well. I did come to a point where I felt a "stuck" and I could no longer continue to just write the story, without taking the time to create several, detailed reference pages to work from. Too much information about characters, locations etc... to try to remember.

I did a lot of research and trial and error at that point, trying out various novel writing software programs and suggestions, looking for something that would help, not hinder my progress. And to help me get organized in a way that would make writing the rest of my book easier.

I've come full-circle now on this after trying out the "bells and whistles" of  many of the choices of novel writing software currently available.

For me, working with a typed and printed outline, character and location pages, in a binder to refer to, seems best. It's not distracting as I found some of the software programs to be, with the various windows and files/folders to open, when looking for the information I need.

When it all comes down to it, if it's not making the story move forward, why use it?

Having an outline and scene ideas typed out for the whole book has been very helpful. It's like filling in a puzzle. Instead of being unwieldy and overwhelming, to move forward and type a couple of hundred more pages to complete my novel, now I look forward to my writing time each day.

And speaking of writing time. I've decided to take the month of January to complete the first draft of my novel. Complete! Yes, I think it's possible but only if I make my novel top-priority for a while.

So, I've decided to take the month of January off from blogging entirely. Maybe do some visiting now and then, at my fav blogs but no posting. As you all know, blogging can take up a lot of time, if you factor in writing posts, visiting, taking photos for posts, research etc... And if I'm ever going to finish this book, I need as few distractions and diversions as possible.

I'll be back here at Happy Break with a Christmas post on December 25th as I couldn't resist the OSI prompt for that day; it's such a good one. Thanks for the great prompt suggestion: Sandy C !


Here's to a creative and inspiring new year, for all of us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Word of the Week: Melody

I love the word: melody

 I've been thinking about all the melodies we hear throughout life.

And how life itself is also one, continuous melody. The high notes and the low. The beautiful and bittersweet. Fast and slow. And so it plays on...

I hope you enjoy this photo (not mine but I love it) and the poem too, which I wrote a few years ago.

The Melody of Life
Mother’s: sigh.
Baby’s: cry.
Hushed by a gentle,
Starlit, summer nights.
Giggles and childhood fun.
Round the campfire.
The old tunes draw everyone.
Teen’s rebellion; IPODs blare.
Feet flying fast.
As passions flare.
In perfect rhythm, to the latest:
Metal Stallion?
Sweet scents of lilac spring.
As young lover’s dance.
Hearts in time to;
tender notes of romance.
Mid-life’s song.
The beat goes on….
Hips a swayin’
While the golden groove keeps playing.
Old folk’s bliss.
Holding hands; they reminisce.
Bittersweet memories of their Autumn’s,
First Kiss.
The melody of life goes on…
Song to song.
As the years roll along.
Sealing memories in their own special way.
Pressed between pages that will never fade.
 GHH/ 2008

Photo courtesy of Flickr
Link to the original post/comments


Wishing you a wonderful week, G :<)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Word of the Week: Snow

Walk on a Winter's Day

Chilled to the bone, the frosty sheer air.
Winter again unrelenting, inevitably here.
The stillness of a new untouched morning,
Still ours alone to share.

The trees, a wonderland of beauty,
Boughs lush with white diamonds,
Dreamlike, in a haze of soft gray sky.
A picture,well-worth a thousand words.

Bundled and mittened, we walk on….
Determined, sure-footed,facing the elements.
Brave against the chill.
Your hand in mine, snug and secure.
The cold less bitter,because you are near.

Step after step,we trudge the brilliant white mile.
Smug in our solitude with nothing to fear.
With chocolate and kisses, waiting in the warmth.
To welcome us home again; so glad you are near.


Growing up on the Canadian Prairies, we spent many a day out in the snow. And snow it did; sometimes with "drifts" reaching as high as the roof of the house!

Blizzards, stay-at-home snow days,ice forts,skating rink in the backyard, snowball "fights", walking in the deep snow, frost on the trees.....lovely, cherished memories.

 I love the snow!

I hope there is plenty where we are, this Christmas.


"The snow: a blanket of diamonds in the winter sun."

I wrote this description many years ago. I still love the image it conjures up. :<)

Link to the original post at My Poetic Path, with a tribute to my dear brother Wendell.

 He was a December baby. I miss him so much. Even more so, this time of year. Hugs to you dear Wendell.

This poem was not written for him specifically, but I think he would have enjoyed it.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Word of the Week: Pamper


Why is it often so difficult to allow ourselves (women in particular) to be truly pampered
To enjoy a "spa day". To buy a new outfit that we don't really need, but love. To make ourselves first priority. To "indulge" in a "R and R"  day?

I don't know the answer but I do know from what I've read, heard and seen that this is the case for millions of women around the world.

For myself in recent years, pampering has definitely "taken a backseat" almost completely; for a number of reasons. But lately, I've been re-thinking this and trying to find ways to treat myself a bit more, even if it's only in small ways, throughout each week.

Soaking in a warm tub of bubbles....ah bliss. Applying night cream for a change, not just washing my face with soap and calling it a day. Enjoying a foot rub. Having a glass of good organic red wine with dinner.....little things that can add up to feeling special and nurtured.

It really can make a difference and not just at the time!

Speaking of soaking in the tub...I recently tried an excellent product that I received as a gift:

Applied after a shower or bath, this stuff is "bliss in a bottle".  Perhaps a good way to start your own "pamper project" ? :<)  You can read my full review here.

I hope you make/take/find the time for some pampering, this week and to make it a part of life on a continuing basis.

We all deserve to be pampered. It's nothing to feel guilty about.
And the dishes can always wait! LOL

Have a Wonderful Week.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Word of the Week: Empathy


What a blessing and gift it can be, when someone takes the time and reaches out to us to say:
" I care, I understand, I'm sorry for what you are going through...."

It can mean so much. It can change our perception and attitude towards a difficult situation we are struggling with. For me, it's been the difference so many times between coping and despair.

I don't think we should ever underestimate the power of empathy. It is a force for good. 

And in case you ever wondered what the difference between empathy and sympathy is, this is what I found over at the Free Dictionary site:

empathy/sympathy  - Empathy denotes a deep emotional understanding of another's feelings or problems, while sympathy is more general and can apply to small annoyances or setbacks.


On a completely different (but timely) topic, I've just posted: 20 Great Gift Suggestions Under $20 featuring some of my favorite products I've reviewed at My Real Life Reviews.

A variety of gift and stocking stuffer ideas; something for everyone.

And they definitely won't break the bank! LOL :<)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Word of the Week: Break

" I love Paris in the Springtime, I love Paris in the Fall...."

Ahhhh..... Monsieur Cheddar; you are tres handsome

Doesn't he look dashing?

 I made him this little beret recently and it was no small feat, getting a couple of pics of him, wearing it. A bit of "camera shake" trying too!!! He prefers chewing on it! LOL

We are all so in need of a break here. For many reasons (a lot of them beyond our control) it's been years since Joe and I have had any vacation, long or short. And we all do need a break, don't we? To regroup, re-energize, relax.... I hope one is possible soon.

I've also been thinking about all the ways that the word "break" can be a positive in life.

Some that came to mind:

-getting a break
-break free
-break loose
-a breakthrough
-break away
- a break from the ordinary/tradition/convention
-take a break
-gimme a break!

and of course!!!

-Take A Happy Break

Wishing you a wonderful week.
And do take plenty of breaks. You deserve them!<)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Word of the Week: Courage

Courage can take many forms.

At this time of year, it is the courage of veterans that always comes to mind.
What would the world be like without having those who have served their countries, so bravely? Willing to sacrifice so much.

True courage. 

I thought it was such a fitting word of the week.
My small tribute to veterans.

And a classic poem I never tire of reading.
So evocative and touching.
It always brings tears to my eyes.


The red Flanders’ poppy was first described as a flower of remembrance by Colonel John McCrae (1872-1918), who was Professor of Medicine at McGill University of Canada before World War One. Colonel McCrae had served as a gunner in the Boer War, but went to France in World War One as a medical Officer with the first Canadian Contingent.

At the second battle of Ypres in 1915, when in charge of a small first-aid post, he wrote in pencil on a page torn from his despatch book:


In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.


By Major John McCrae, May 1915

Lest We Forget

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Word of the Week:Change


"Change is the only thing that makes life happen."

“It is possible for everything and nothing to change,  all in a single moment.”

A couple of quotes I wrote myself, over the years. 

Change is necessary in life, even if it's something that can be scary at times.

Without change, life can become stagnant, repetitious and boring.

With Autumn's changing scene finally showing up, here in Interior BC; I thought it was a good time to once again reflect on the power of change.

Here's to good changes, new beginnings and interesting challenges.
It keeps things fresh, doesn't it? :<)

Wishing You a Very Happy Week!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Word of the Week: Orange

I love the color orange! One of my all-time favorite colors.

And what better time of year to celebrate the color orange than Autumn?

The color of energy, warmth, creativity...when I'm wearing orange, it always makes me feel more upbeat and happy too.

I've been considering this jacket over at LL Bean in a beautiful deep orange, what do you think?


Here are some of my favorite photos, featuring the color orange:

These are all file photos because the colors here are still pretty bland. Mostly mossy greens and browns to look at. Definitely a late start this year, to all the beautiful fall colors.

Do you love orange too? Please share your reasons why.


And some interesting information about the color: orange, from the Color Wheel Pro site:

"Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.
Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Word of the Week: Sparkle (a haiku too!)


sparkles on the waves

a dazzling sight to behold

adding some magic! 

We all need some sparkle in our lives.

The boost, the muse, the beauty....that makes it all come together and seem more worthwhile.

Sparkle can take on many forms. It's an interesting word to contemplate I think.

This dazzling photo courtesy of Selma in the City. I just love it!

I've also got it dazzling my desktop background.
Reminding me to keep looking and adding "sparkle" wherever and whenever I can.

Here's to a Week of Sparkle and Magic!

PS: Mr. Cheddar, Feline Blogger and Fearless Bug Warrior, has posted a new product review that has some rather sparkling content too. Actually it's kinda catty LOL. You can read it here.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Word of the Week: Pets

What would the world be like, our lives be like, without pet friends to share it with? Hard to imagine when you love them as much as I have, for so many years.

 I thought it would be nice to feature the word: pets this Thanksgiving weekend. To remember all the furry friends that I have been so thankful for. For all the love, fun and entertainment they've brought into my life.

Right now, we only have Mr. Cheddar but look forward to the day (hopefully soon) when a "herd" LOL of cats is once again a reality.

For many, many years I had 4 cats: Prince Theo (aka Prince Porkie), Little Lois, Tasha and Mitzi. Four seems like such a perfect number as they always have a snuggling partner. And it was fun x 4, watching them. I miss them all, so very much.

I know Mr. Cheddar would like another feline companion too. He mourned the passing of  Mitzi for a long time. He was so sad when she passed, two years ago. It was amazing really, watching him during this time. So sad but so touching too.

For all the pet-lovers reading this, please give your pets a hug from me this week. They are precious family members. And ones we should never take for granted.
They leave us much too soon.

Happy Thanksgiving! Headbonks from the Ched too. :<)


This is a poem I wrote for Mr.Cheddar a few years ago.

I had dreams about Mr. Cheddar for weeks before we got him. And there he was, the only orange cat, waiting for us at the Shelter that day. Apparently he had been "passed over" many times, because he wasn't good-looking enough, so the attendents told us! Oh, if they could only see him now eh?

He had a very tough life before we got him it seems. He's still scared of any unusual noises and can't go outside except in a carrier, he really panics.

I'm glad he has found his way to a safe and loving home after all that.


Ode to Mr. Cheddar

Mr. Cheddar, what a guy.
He’s the apple, of my eye.
Fair of face and coat of shine.
Being with us; by design?
Mr. Cheddar, you aim to please.
You melt my heart.
And run like the breeze.
What did we do when you weren’t here?
So glad you were waiting.
Goodbye to despair.
Mr. Cheddar, my little man.
Eyes so green.
With many a fan.
You are a survivor of sad, suffering ways.
Still your heart remained open.
To happy times, better days.
Mr. Cheddar, I saw you there.
In my dreams, you would sit and stare.
Waiting for your time of release.
Now you are safe and far from grief.
Never again to be hungry or sad.
You’ve come home.
We are so glad.
“Ode to Mr. C” © 2008 Geraldine Hartman
Photo of Mr. Cheddar © 2008 Geraldine Hartman

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Word of the Week: Wisdom

"People live like birds in the woods.
When the time comes, each must take flight."

Chinese proverb



I really like this proverb. A lot of wisdom in so few words.

I also love this gorgeous bird photo.

My thanks to Rachael over at Hummingbird Hollow for sharing this beauty from her world.

Here's to a week filled with wisdom, insights and inspiration.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Some Blogging News x 4!

I've been trying to find more time to work on my novel which I previously posted about here. It seems that the time online gets taken up quickly when I am writing posts, browsing blogs, Googling...and at the end of 4-5 hours most days, it's hard to really give my novel writing the attention that I think it warrants. So, for now, I am reducing my blogging significantly.

Here at  Happy Break, I plan to continue with my "Word of the Week" posts, early each week on Sunday or Monday. I like the idea of having a "word" to focus on, contemplate...during each week and it seems that many readers are enjoying these posts too. So, I will still be sharing some happiness here each week but only one post a week for now. I hope you'll enjoy what's upcoming for WOTW's and I hope they've been helpful and inspiring to you, so far!

At My Real Life Reviews, I will continue to post reviews on a regular basis. I'm planning for 2-3 reviews a week. I have a lot of those in the works already. Response over at MRLR has been great, from readers all over the world and from companies too. It's something I always wanted to do and I'm really enjoying the process of trying out products of all kinds and then sharing my thoughts about them over at MRLR. I hope you'll stop in soon and often.

At Veggies, Yarns & Tails and My Poetic Path, my two WordPress blogs, I am putting posting on hold for now. I'm not deleting these blogs and I may get back to them in the future. And the archives for recipes rather extensive after all these years. Just a break from both, for now.

As for my novel, it is going very well! I really can't believe the progress I'm making or the fun it's been. I'm going to get to the finish line, this time. I just know it! But it takes time and concentration and it needs to be a priority now. I only wish I could give up sleep and cram some more hours into every day!!!

So that's the plan...Not that I won't be visiting my fav blogs, of course I will! It just won't be quite as often for now.

Happy Autumn and Lots of Hugs, G :<)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Word of the Week: Grace

The picture of grace...

And the power of grace...

"Grace is the effortless flow of existence; love and favor freely bestowed on us.That comes when we are living in harmony with life, when the rhythms of your body-mind are in synch with nature's rhythms. To live in grace is to experience that state of consciousness where things flow and your desires are easily fulfilled. Grace is magical, synchronistic, coincidental, joyful. It's the good-luck factor."

from the book: Power. Freedom and Grace by Deepak Chopra

I recently read this book. This quote truly seemed to be speaking to me. I've read it over again and again.

If I could have just one wish come true for anything, it would be to find and continue to live in a state of grace, as described here. This truly sums up the desires and wishes of my heart.It sounds like pure bliss, doesn't it? Inspiring.

Wishing you a wonderful week, filled with grace.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Friday Chuckle from the Ched!


"Just try to move that leg Pawmie. No wait. In a half-hour or so you won't have to try, it's going to be oh, so numbey! Snort..... these humanoids, such fun to toy with!"

PS: One of Ched's fav places for a nap, snuggling up behind Joe's legs.

 I'm glad he doesn't pick me for this! :<)

Happy Autumn. My favorite season has officially arrived!

PS: Some recent posts at my other blogs you might also enjoy:

Red Cabbage! Don't Ya Just Love It?  at  Veggies,Yarns & Tails
Way of the Peaceful Warrior (book review) at My Real Life Reviews
Green Leaves and a Classic Poem at My Poetic Path

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A LOL Drain Story!

We had some sink/drain problems here this past week.

Before finally waving the "plumber surrender" flag, we attempted to fix it ourselves.

Here's a very funny example of what can go wrong when someone takes the fine art of drain-cleaning in the wrong direction(s). I was laughing so hard watching this, I had tears in my eyes:

YouTube drain laughs!!!

A lot more fun watching this than trying to fix a drain!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Word of the Week: Nurture

"Yes, the grass frequently appears greener on the other side of the fence.
But in reality the grass is greenest where it gets watered the most.”
– Dan Miller

I noted this quote recently; shared over at the Positivity Blog (one of my fav stops online each week) and thought it tied in perfectly with this week's word.

If we don't take the time and make the effort to nurture ourselves and those we care about, we are missing out in so many ways.  Opportunities to grow ourselves, sometimes in unexpected ways. And to feel good about helping others to thrive and evolve too.

Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

And one that truly nurtures your mind and spirit. :<)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another Desktop Dazzler!


With summer winding down, I thought it would be nice to feature this marigold, in all it's beautiful detail as a "desktop dazzler".  I haven't been dazzled or posted a DD for a while, it seems. ;<)

 For many years, I was not a fan of marigolds; now I just love them.

I hope you enjoy this orange dazzler; great as a desktop background too!

Hopefully all the brilliant fall colors will be here soon. 

Some much-needed rain would be nice too! Still not a drop here but in the forecast.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I've Been Posting Up a Storm!!!

I've been on a posting "binge" today. Actually wrote 6 posts in total. I think that's my record for one day! LOL

Here are the ones I've already posted:

Down & Dirty (book review) at: My Real Life Reviews (it's a gardening book btw, LOL)

Amber Alert! This time a happy ending at: My Poetic Path

On the Menu Last Night: Easy Vegetable Curry at: Veggies, Yarns & Tails

The others are scheduled for later. Now I'm off to work on my novel.

Speaking of storms, we've got rain on the way today, yippeee!!! We need it so much.

Happy Tuesday  :<)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Word of the Week: Integrity

It's people with true integrity who have always been my heroes. The kind of people who stand by their personal beliefs and ethics, even when it's not the easy or popular route to take.

On a personal note, I think of myself as a person striving to live a life of integrity. Getting it right, not always, but most of the time. I have been challenged several times over the years in this respect. Two employment situations in particular come to mind. I stood up for people when it was not the "popular" or easy choice at the time.

It made for some very tough sailing for me, at one place in particular.. They fired a person who had worked there for years and who had been an exemplary employee but not one who was part of the "in" crowd.

Carol (name changed) ran the main office. She was very conscientious about her work. Not a person to allow all the staff on their own whims to go through personal or financial information (which many of them seemed to think was their right) and ran a tight ship in terms of keeping the books balanced etc....From where I was watching, Carol was the key person who kept this organization viable and progressing.

But as is too often the case, she ended up having the tables turned on her and the majority of staff rallying against her. A gang mentality continued to build. It was frightening to watch.

After several weeks of this internal back-stabbing a board meeting was called. All the other hands went up around the table in favor of firing her, including a "born again Christian" who was supposedly Carol's friend and loved to sing hymns throughout the day. Looking rather sheepish and embarrassed as I remember.

My hand stayed down. My convictions remained unchanged. I was not about to be a part of this nasty and uncalled-for dismissal. And as expected, after Carol was gone, the "guns" turned on me, making it difficult to continue to work there, in spite of the fact that I loved my job and needed it financially too.

But whatever challenges I faced after that episode, I felt good about what was the only choice I could make.

As it turned out, the "excellent" replacement employee who was hired after Carol, went on to bilk this organization out of thousands of dollars and was finally arrested. I saw it on the local TV news, years later. A little smile came to my face as I remember. In the long run, they did not come out ahead by getting rid of an honest, hard-working person. But rather, brought this organization to the brink of closure and cast a bad light on how it's operations were then perceived, throughout the community.

Another example that comes to mind when I think of the word integrity. Sealing a contract/agreement with a handshake.I don't know if that ever happens anymore but when I was very young I often remember my dad shaking hands with someone and it was "a deal" with no paperwork required. It was a given then, that was enough. "My word is my bond". I don't remember any of these transactions falling through either.

 It's not always easy to take the high road, to stand up for what's right, to speak up for the "underdog". But time after time (and sometimes it can take a very long time)  it is "always the right time to do the right thing".


To my readers in the U. S. A. 

Your Canadian friends stand with you today.

We will never forget.

1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
Definition source: The Free Dictionary
Photo courtesy of: Flickr

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Gifts of All Artists Will Live On

Recently, Cathy from: The Voice Within posted a YouTube video featuring The Carpenters.

It still brings tears to my eyes, seeing the lovely Karen and her dashing brother Richard. Thinking about the circumstances that ended her life much too early and the loss to her family and all the world.

I also thought about the gifts that this brother and sister shared that will live on forever. Their timeless melodies, romantic and thoughtful lyrics and most of all, Karen's hauntingly beautiful voice.

How many married lives began to the strains of this classic: For All We Know

No matter what tragedies that may come into the life of any artist; the gifts that they bring to the world will remain. It's something that makes the sadness a little easier to think about. There will be joy along with the tears. Hope along with the sadness. A legacy that no one can take away.

And for generations to come: the song, the book, the painting,the poem, the words...they will never die. And in the case of Karen Carpenter; a personal, very tragic story that will probably continue to save many young lives, being re-told again and again.

Rest well dear Karen. You will never be forgotten.
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