What would the world be like, our lives be like, without pet friends to share it with? Hard to imagine when you love them as much as I have, for so many years.
I thought it would be nice to feature the word: pets this Thanksgiving weekend. To remember all the furry friends that I have been so thankful for. For all the love, fun and entertainment they've brought into my life.
Right now, we only have Mr. Cheddar but look forward to the day (hopefully soon) when a "herd" LOL of cats is once again a reality.
For many, many years I had 4 cats: Prince Theo (aka Prince Porkie), Little Lois, Tasha and Mitzi. Four seems like such a perfect number as they always have a snuggling partner. And it was fun x 4, watching them. I miss them all, so very much.
I know Mr. Cheddar would like another feline companion too. He mourned the passing of Mitzi for a long time. He was so sad when she passed, two years ago. It was amazing really, watching him during this time. So sad but so touching too.
For all the pet-lovers reading this, please give your pets a hug from me this week. They are precious family members. And ones we should never take for granted.
They leave us much too soon.
Happy Thanksgiving! Headbonks from the Ched too. :<)
This is a poem I wrote for Mr.Cheddar a few years ago.
I had dreams about Mr. Cheddar for weeks before we got him. And there he was, the only orange cat, waiting for us at the Shelter that day. Apparently he had been "passed over" many times, because he wasn't good-looking enough, so the attendents told us! Oh, if they could only see him now eh?
He had a very tough life before we got him it seems. He's still scared of any unusual noises and can't go outside except in a carrier, he really panics.
I'm glad he has found his way to a safe and loving home after all that.
Ode to Mr. Cheddar
Mr. Cheddar, what a guy.
He’s the apple, of my eye.
Fair of face and coat of shine.
Being with us; by design?
Mr. Cheddar, you aim to please.
You melt my heart.
And run like the breeze.
What did we do when you weren’t here?
So glad you were waiting.
Goodbye to despair.
Mr. Cheddar, my little man.
Eyes so green.
With many a fan.
You are a survivor of sad, suffering ways.
Still your heart remained open.
To happy times, better days.
Mr. Cheddar, I saw you there.
In my dreams, you would sit and stare.
Waiting for your time of release.
Now you are safe and far from grief.
Never again to be hungry or sad.
You’ve come home.
We are so glad.
“Ode to Mr. C” © 2008 Geraldine Hartman
Photo of Mr. Cheddar © 2008 Geraldine Hartman