Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh no...Mr. Cheddar caught doing....

D-O-G tricks???


I still think he was doing D-O-G tricks!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend, from me and the (d-o-g loving) Ched.


PS: You might also enjoy these new posts at my other blogs:

Haiku Reflections: It's Tulip Time

A Soup Recipe "staple" revisited

Caf-Lib Grain Beverage Review

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Birthday Bouquet


This was my birthday bouquet this year.

As my ME Month is almost over, I thought it was a good time to share these beautiful flowers here. (My photo does not do them justice, they were gorgeous!!!)

One of the "splurges" on my: "If I Ever Get Rich" list is having flowers around the house, as many as possible and all the time. I love flowers, all kinds, shapes and colors. The florist variety are special in their own way, for the creative arrangements of course and the sentiments that go along with the gift.

Thanks Joe! xoxoxox

PS: This is a post I already had in my drafts. I'm still not able to type for long periods of time but day by day getting better. In the meantime, I wish you all a wonderful day and rest of the week. I'll be around to visit as soon as I can. I'm missing a lot of blogs!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Taking a Short Break...

...I've sprained my wrist (don't know how exactly) and it's quite painful to do much typing. I hope to be back to blogging and visiting in a few days.

Until then, Happy Easter and BFN, G

Thursday, April 21, 2011

An Easter Feline Wish!



"You're lucky these ears aren't the real plushy kind Meowmie or you'd be in BIG trouble!!!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Beautiful Spring Photo to Share (with Haiku)


I added the words. My thanks to Caroline Brown for sharing this inspiring photo.

One of my all-time favorite spring photos.

April showers will bring May flowers!

Finding Happiness in Every Day Events/Things

I really enjoyed this list from the TripBase Blog:

101 Ways to Be Happy .

Happiness can be a choice that we make every day and throughout each day.

I found a lot of good reminders on this list. I hope you enjoy it too.

Wishing you a day filled with simple pleasures, great surprises and abundance.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Tribute to Daffodils!

This beautiful classic poem  by William Wordsworth always comes to mind, this time of year. Hope you enjoy re-reading it too. Many years ago, I lived on a Daffodil Crescent. My mom loved daffodils. And I've been a daffodil lover for a long, long time too. Like sunflowers, their sunny "faces" always seem so happy!
Wishing you a happy, sunny day!


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed–and gazed–but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It Starts With a Ball of Yarn...


These are just some of the many, many yarn projects I have completed, in the past few years. Crafting from yarn is always a joy for me. Crocheting and knitting are two of the most rewarding and relaxing hobbies I have ever pursued.

 The interest in yarn crafts is at an all-time high right now and there's no sign of that declining. And for good reason. Crocheting/knitting can be a very meditative experience.Many beautiful and quality items can be made for a reasonable price. A hand knit or crochet gift is so special. It could even become a treasured family heirloom. Until you've experienced the process of taking yarn, working with it, following a pattern (or one you make yourself)and then seeing the finished project, you will only then understand the satisfaction of this  wonderful, creative experience. The popularity of yarn crafts for people of all ages is proof of that too!

If you need help getting started there are oodles of free online patterns, instructional videos, classes and knit/crochet groups are gathering in homes and classrooms, all over the world. And a great way to connect with new friends, wherever you live.

Lion Brand is a very good online resource with hundreds of free patterns, instructional videos, a good selection of yarns, tools and much more.It's easier than you might think to get started.

 When I tried crochet for the first time many years ago, I ended up learning just from practising and following photos in a crochet book. I didn't know any other "south-paws" who were "hookers" LOL at the time. When I'd watch a right-handed person crochet, it always looked so awkward and confusing. So with determination and hook in hand, I stayed up most of one night and finally "got it" myself. The crochet granny square throw (first photo in  the collage above) was my first real attempt at crochet. I still have and use this lovely blanket now.

If you already knit or crochet, I hope you will share some of your own finished creations online. I'd love to see them too!
Here's to the Joy of Creating With Yarn!!!

PS: If you've been looking for an easy, free photo editing program to make photo collages, banners  etc, check out my new review of: PhotoScape V 3.5. This photo collage took about 10 minutes to make and I am NOT a techie-person!!.

Friday, April 15, 2011

There are Positive Messages Everywhere...

...even on building walls.
Even though I'm not a fan of graffiti in most cases (this one looked like chalk though, so easy to remove) I did like this example I saw recently:

What positive messages did you note during your week?

1. The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy.
2. The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.
Courtesy of: The Free Dictionary.

PS: I made some updates at my other blogs today. If you like haiku poetry, you might also enjoying stopping by over at My Poetic Path. A lucky talisman poem awaits!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Take a Yummy Break....

I absolutely love carrot cake and this recipe is my all-time fav!

With Easter on the way, I thought it was a good time to share this recipe here (see read more...for page 2) and the cream cheese icing recipe I added to it.

Let me know if you give this one a try. You won't be sorry!

Have a Yummy Good Day and Happy Baking!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Every Breath You Take...

...can be life-giving and life-renewing.

Did you know that taking just 5-10 minutes a day to take a "deep breathing break" can have long-term and significant health benefits?

Benefits include:
  • releasing tension from the body and mind
  • reduction of pain
  • aids digestion
  • strengthens the lungs and immune system
  • boosts energy
  • improves mental clarity
  • reduces tension

to name but a few of the many, many pluses of committing a small amount of time every day to really focus and breathe correctly and fully.

I am adding a couple of 5-10 minute breaks for deep/full breathing in addition to my exercise breaks. I spend a LOT of time in front of my computer most days (can you relate?). I know that I need to do more in terms of daily exercise. Now I also realise that "breath breaks" can be very beneficial too.

And, as this informative article explains, it doesn't have to be anything complicated or time-consuming to work. Only a few minutes each day can add up to lifelong health rewards. Included at the end of this article is a simple breathing exercise that only takes minutes to complete. I hope you will find it helpful too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Some of My Favorite Things

Flowers are some of my "favorite things"!

This is my first attempt at a photo collage. What do you think?

And here's some fitting music to go along with this post's theme. 

A favorite song of mine, I hope you enjoy it too.

My Favorite Things sung by Julie Andrews and a couple of other great tunes!

It's so true. When I simply remember some of my "favorite things" it really helps to lift my spirits!

Wishing You a Wonderful Day Filled with Your Favorite Things!

PS: Speaking of "favorite things, cooking/good food are certainly close to the top of my list LOL!! I just posted this review about a very handy small kitchen appliance you might also enjoy, over at My Real Life Reviews.  I'm enjoying a slice of freshly-baked bread as I type this. Yummmm.....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Moments that Matter

'Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the number of moments that take your breath away.'

I don't think it gets any better than a beautiful rose.

I could look at one, in wonder and savor it's beauty  for a long, long while.

This is one of my favorite photos, that I've taken.

I hope you enjoy it too.
What beauty in nature leaves you breathless?

Author of the quote above is considered unknown, although it is sometimes attributed to Mark Twain. It's a goodie, no matter who wrote it first!

PS: Unfortunately Today's Flowers is temporarily offline today (Sunday April 10th). I was planning to post this there as well. What a wonderful idea for a blog. Sharing the beauty of flowers, each week, with bloggers participating from all over the world.

When I stopped by there today, I did enjoy another wonderful quote:

"flowers represent all our best feelings"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Speaking of Toast...

           yesterday's post, that is!

This photo and post from my recipe/craft blog came to mind.
Some of the best things in life are the most basic of pleasures.

What could be finer or more satisfying than freshly made and lovingly served:

Toast, Jam and Tea

Savor the Simple Pleasures.

Wishing you a wonderful Weekend!

PS: A very easy jam recipe is included in the link above.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Want to Live Longer? Lighten Up!

Just found this interesting article about a very inspiring 104 year young woman!  You go Dot!!!

Yet another plus of being happy, taking life as it comes, going with the flow, putting on a happy can actually add YEARS to your life! 

This is just one of many articles on this topic and again and again the results conclude: happy thoughts and an optimistic outlook = a longer, healthier life. It's another good reminder to not sweat the small stuff and keep things in perspective throughout each day.

Does it really, REALLY matter if you burnt the toast this morning? What about finding a stain on your favorite blouse that you were planning to wear today? Getting caught up in traffic on the way to work...the list in a given day can be endless. Small, annoying delays, set-backs etc. Negative energy that can slowly but surely change a good day into one that you just want to end.

When an annoyance or delay happens, deal with it as quickly as possible and move on. Put it behind you.

Speaking of  traffic jams  put the time to good use, not dwelling on frustration:
  • Sing along with the radio.
  • Take some slow, deep breaths.
  • Think about a pleasant event coming up.
  • Catch up with your knitting or a good book.
  • Gaze at the sky and the scenery that usually flies by in a blur.
the list goes on and on...

Think about how lucky you really are to: have that toast to eat (personally, I like a bit of burn around the edges!), that special blouse that your best friend gave you that will still look great to wear again after a wash. And wow, having your own car and a job to go to and get paid for! Triple bonus! A lot of people who would be happy to have those and don't.  

Choose happiness today.

Make it a better day for you and everyone in your life. Living a longer and healthier life is kind of a nice plus too, don't you agree?

PS: Mr. Cheddar has also been busy today. He has a new cat treat review (there's a dog- variety available too) you might enjoy. As the Ched says: Chiao for now!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Gerber Daisy Haiku


This beautiful gerber daisy was a pretty and thoughtful gift that I received from a couple of friends. They dropped it off, as a much-needed "pick me up" for the day (I was having a less than happy one). It certainly did that and went on to weather the winter on the bathroom window sill, leaves crumpled and flowers nowhere in sight.

And then, to once again emerge in all it's loveliness.

Daisies of all types and colors, always make me smile.


Wishing you a Wonderful Spring Day!

Also submitted for: Today's Flowers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

L-O-V-E...It's Real Baby!

If you like Craig Ferguson, you are in for a real treat and a good LOL.

I think he's such a hoot!

Singing L-O-V-E from the movie Born Romantic here's

Craigeeeeee: L-O-V-E!

(click to sing and dance along)

Have a l-o-v-e-l-y day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

There's a Song in Your Heart, Let it Out!

I have always loved to sing !

Many years ago I sang on a semi-professional basis for quite some time. I was also a finalist (twice) in one of Canada's prestigious country music competitions: Big Country Music Awards in the 80's.

Let me tell you, I belted out a respectable rendition of some of the musical hits of the time like: Desperado, Someday Soon, Stand By Your Man and Catch the Wind to name but a few. What fun it was and what an unexpected pleasure to find that other people (including some who had been in the biz for a long time) thought I had a talent for singing too.

Years later, in 2000 I decided to get back into singing and took more voice lessons, in a more classical vein this time. What a joy it was to rediscover the freedom and pleasure of singing!

 Of course I've always tried to remember to "lighten up the day" with a song, humming along to a CD, singing while driving etc. The times I really remember the true joy of singing are many and varied. One thing I did not know until recently were the many health benefits associated with singing.

This article was very interesting, listing various health benefits directly related to singing including: improved memory, lung capacity and lowering blood pressure to name but three. It includes an extensive list of health benefits of singing and just one of many lists/articles that  I found online.

Whether you consider yourself a singer or not, it's a great way to improve each day and your life. And it doesn't have to cost a dime! Even if you start in the shower and go from there, you might surprise yourself and go on to share your singing voice with the world. You just never know! It's all good.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update on Personal Power Symbol Post

I recently wrote this post about personal power symbols here at Take A Happy Break.

 Several readers kindly shared their own power symbols and reasons for why they picked them. My symbol is a heart, I've explained in the post why I chose this beautiful symbol for myself.

Speaking of beautiful, Teri over at: Teri's Painted Daisies has expanded on the topic today of Personal Power Symbols. Enjoy her wonderful post on this topic here. Her beautiful artwork always inspires me. This representation of personal power symbols as a painting is truly memorable. Thanks Teri!

Happy Sunday. Hugs, G

Heart photo courtesy of : Flickr

PS: On another topic, I also have a new book review over at My Real Life Reviews you might enjoy, especially if you are a craftsperson (or wannabee)!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Check Your Bra... It's April Fool's Day!

The Case of the Interfering Brassieres-1982:

The Daily Mail reported that a local manufacturer had sold 10,000 "rogue bras" that were causing a unique and unprecedented problem, not to the wearers but to the public at large. Apparently the support wire in these bras had been made out of a kind of copper originally designed for use in fire alarms. When this copper came into contact with nylon and body heat, it produced static electricity which, in turn, was interfering with local television and radio broadcasts. The chief engineer of British Telecom, upon reading the article, immediately ordered that all his female laboratory employees disclose what type of bra they were wearing.

Have a great weekend.

And do check those underwires if your bra starts talking... LOL!!!

Source: the Museum of Hoaxes website.
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