Why is it often so difficult to allow ourselves (women in particular) to be truly pampered?
To enjoy a "spa day". To buy a new outfit that we don't really need, but love. To make ourselves first priority. To "indulge" in a "R and R" day?
I don't know the answer but I do know from what I've read, heard and seen that this is the case for millions of women around the world.
For myself in recent years, pampering has definitely "taken a backseat" almost completely; for a number of reasons. But lately, I've been re-thinking this and trying to find ways to treat myself a bit more, even if it's only in small ways, throughout each week.
Soaking in a warm tub of bubbles....ah bliss. Applying night cream for a change, not just washing my face with soap and calling it a day. Enjoying a foot rub. Having a glass of good organic red wine with dinner.....little things that can add up to feeling special and nurtured.
It really can make a difference and not just at the time!
Speaking of soaking in the tub...I recently tried an excellent product that I received as a gift:
Applied after a shower or bath, this stuff is "bliss in a bottle". Perhaps a good way to start your own "pamper project" ? :<) You can read my full review here.
I hope you make/take/find the time for some pampering, this week and to make it a part of life on a continuing basis.
We all deserve to be pampered. It's nothing to feel guilty about.
And the dishes can always wait! LOL
Have a Wonderful Week.
Photo courtesy of Flickr