Sunday, December 25, 2011

Word of the Week: Renewal

First, a timeless Christmas tune to set the mood... :<)

gotta love Luther's silky, sexy voice....

What a wonderful time of year to think about: renewal.

I was so happy to see this as a prompt over at OSI, especially at this special time of year.
Thanks dear Sandy for the great suggestion!

I hope that 2012 is a wonderful, prosperous and special year for all of my readers.
Here's to the wonder and possibilities of  renewal.

 And to wishes and dreams that do come true!

Happy, Happy Holidays!


PS: I'm taking the month of January to complete my novel so I won't be posting for a while. I'll still be blog-visiting now and then and back to posting in February. See you all soon.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Also submitted for the OSI prompt: Renewal

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mr. Cheddar Needs Your Votes!

Calling all Facebook fans.

Mr. Cheddar has an entry in a photo contest, in the "lazy" cat category.
He's not lazy of course but cat-napping is a close second!!!! 

Click here to vote for Mr. Cheddar and to check out the competition.

Personally, I think the Ched's a "paw-in" but I may be just a bit biased LOL

Thanks for your support, from me and the Cheddar. :<)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Word of the Week: Inspiration!

That's how I've been feeling lately: truly inspired!

You may remember this previous post about my current novel project. Well, my little journal has been filled since that post was written. I have been writing my novel, on my computer since then.

 For the most part, it's been going very well. I did come to a point where I felt a "stuck" and I could no longer continue to just write the story, without taking the time to create several, detailed reference pages to work from. Too much information about characters, locations etc... to try to remember.

I did a lot of research and trial and error at that point, trying out various novel writing software programs and suggestions, looking for something that would help, not hinder my progress. And to help me get organized in a way that would make writing the rest of my book easier.

I've come full-circle now on this after trying out the "bells and whistles" of  many of the choices of novel writing software currently available.

For me, working with a typed and printed outline, character and location pages, in a binder to refer to, seems best. It's not distracting as I found some of the software programs to be, with the various windows and files/folders to open, when looking for the information I need.

When it all comes down to it, if it's not making the story move forward, why use it?

Having an outline and scene ideas typed out for the whole book has been very helpful. It's like filling in a puzzle. Instead of being unwieldy and overwhelming, to move forward and type a couple of hundred more pages to complete my novel, now I look forward to my writing time each day.

And speaking of writing time. I've decided to take the month of January to complete the first draft of my novel. Complete! Yes, I think it's possible but only if I make my novel top-priority for a while.

So, I've decided to take the month of January off from blogging entirely. Maybe do some visiting now and then, at my fav blogs but no posting. As you all know, blogging can take up a lot of time, if you factor in writing posts, visiting, taking photos for posts, research etc... And if I'm ever going to finish this book, I need as few distractions and diversions as possible.

I'll be back here at Happy Break with a Christmas post on December 25th as I couldn't resist the OSI prompt for that day; it's such a good one. Thanks for the great prompt suggestion: Sandy C !


Here's to a creative and inspiring new year, for all of us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Word of the Week: Melody

I love the word: melody

 I've been thinking about all the melodies we hear throughout life.

And how life itself is also one, continuous melody. The high notes and the low. The beautiful and bittersweet. Fast and slow. And so it plays on...

I hope you enjoy this photo (not mine but I love it) and the poem too, which I wrote a few years ago.

The Melody of Life
Mother’s: sigh.
Baby’s: cry.
Hushed by a gentle,
Starlit, summer nights.
Giggles and childhood fun.
Round the campfire.
The old tunes draw everyone.
Teen’s rebellion; IPODs blare.
Feet flying fast.
As passions flare.
In perfect rhythm, to the latest:
Metal Stallion?
Sweet scents of lilac spring.
As young lover’s dance.
Hearts in time to;
tender notes of romance.
Mid-life’s song.
The beat goes on….
Hips a swayin’
While the golden groove keeps playing.
Old folk’s bliss.
Holding hands; they reminisce.
Bittersweet memories of their Autumn’s,
First Kiss.
The melody of life goes on…
Song to song.
As the years roll along.
Sealing memories in their own special way.
Pressed between pages that will never fade.
 GHH/ 2008

Photo courtesy of Flickr
Link to the original post/comments


Wishing you a wonderful week, G :<)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Word of the Week: Snow

Walk on a Winter's Day

Chilled to the bone, the frosty sheer air.
Winter again unrelenting, inevitably here.
The stillness of a new untouched morning,
Still ours alone to share.

The trees, a wonderland of beauty,
Boughs lush with white diamonds,
Dreamlike, in a haze of soft gray sky.
A picture,well-worth a thousand words.

Bundled and mittened, we walk on….
Determined, sure-footed,facing the elements.
Brave against the chill.
Your hand in mine, snug and secure.
The cold less bitter,because you are near.

Step after step,we trudge the brilliant white mile.
Smug in our solitude with nothing to fear.
With chocolate and kisses, waiting in the warmth.
To welcome us home again; so glad you are near.


Growing up on the Canadian Prairies, we spent many a day out in the snow. And snow it did; sometimes with "drifts" reaching as high as the roof of the house!

Blizzards, stay-at-home snow days,ice forts,skating rink in the backyard, snowball "fights", walking in the deep snow, frost on the trees.....lovely, cherished memories.

 I love the snow!

I hope there is plenty where we are, this Christmas.


"The snow: a blanket of diamonds in the winter sun."

I wrote this description many years ago. I still love the image it conjures up. :<)

Link to the original post at My Poetic Path, with a tribute to my dear brother Wendell.

 He was a December baby. I miss him so much. Even more so, this time of year. Hugs to you dear Wendell.

This poem was not written for him specifically, but I think he would have enjoyed it.
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