Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mr. Cheddar Unwraps His Prize!!!


Woohooo!! Mr. Cheddar struck pay/kibble-dirt when he won this recent contest in the Lazy Cat category.

Thank you to everyone who voted for the Chedster on Facebook.
We appreciated all of your votes!

Not that the Ched is ever lazy in reality but he does like his napping time, as seen in this winning photo:

And here's Mr. Cheddar opening his prize basket:

I've hit the Jackpot !!

Yummmm....and yummier!  Lots of food. And a couple of fun toys too.


Meowmie, let me read the card for myself!!!


There's a lot of kibble in this basket; that will last a loooooong time.
A coupon for another big bag included too. And in one of Ched's fav flavors, Trout.

Yet another reason that we definitely need another feline to share our home.
Mr. Cheddar, totally agrees. Hopefully soon. :<)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Never Underestimate the Power of a SMILE!

How's this for one happy flower?
Daisies always make me smile. I gave this one a bit of an "embellishment" ;<)   But in real life, no embellishment is required, when it comes to beautiful and genuine smiles.

A smile can change our day; sometimes change our life.
Or the life of someone else, when we share a smile.

We should never underestimate the impact a smile can have.
The power of this simple gesture is truly amazing.

Smile: at those you love, to let them know they are special and never taken for granted.

Smile: at strangers, especially people who look sad or lonely.

Smile: at yourself, in the mirror. Or in the reflection of a window.

Smile: and make the world a better, happier place. :<)

And sending a smile to my "daisy" blog pal : Teri
Your daisy creations always make me smile.

Smile: Also my suggestion for this week's OSI prompt.
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