Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Rainy Week Haiku

We've had a week of almost non-stop rain, here in Interior BC and more to come.

I was going through some previous haiku posts over at My Poetic Path this past week and noted this one. Thought it was in keeping with the current weather and forecast too. It's one of my favs actually.

 I remember taking this photo and wondering at the time if it would show up as well in a photo as the reality was. I think it did.

Hope you have a lovely week. :<)

And hope to see some of you over at One Single Impression too.

The prompt this week is: crystal. My suggestion, so I will definitely be there LOL.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's a Sunny Sunday!

It's a sunny day, here in Interior BC. I hope it lasts.

What a treat to see the clouds roll away....

  Happy Summer Solstice too! :<(

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Cool Summer Haiku!

This is especially for those of you who are enduring hot, summer weather right now.

A haiku/haiga that's been getting quite a few page views in recent days, over at My Poetic Path. I hope it helps to bring cooling thoughts to mind.

Here in Interior BC it's far from hot. I'm still wearing a sweater this morning. But I have lots on the go so the weather is not a distraction like it would be, if it was a perfect, sunny day. LOL

Happy Thursday. :<)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

BRRRRR.....Baby, It's Cold Outside!

The forecast for Interior BC continues to be rain, rain and more rain.

A predicted HIGH today of only 9C! BRRRRR....

Wowsa. I'm no hot weather fan when it gets to the other end of extreme but I am getting tired of wearing sweaters in June. Speaking of sweaters, I haven't even bothered to take my summer clothes out for this year. If this keeps up, I probably won't have to.

What's your weather been like?

Oh well, a good weekend to stay indoors and get lots of things done online and in the kitchen, etc...and I've got plenty of projects I'm working on!

Happy Weekend, whatever your weather brings. :<)

PS: Monday June 11th. Happened to notice this video on the Weather Network. SNOW in Manitoba!!! I'm wondering if that's headed this way too. Weird weather indeed.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Serene Scene and Excellent Book to Recommend

I'm currently finishing my haiku book. I also started re-reading: Haiku Mind by Patricia Donegan recently.

Ms. Donegan brings up a good point in Haiku Mind, reminding the reader to be in the moment, savor the even the mundane, every day tasks we do each day. Taking out the garbage, she stopped to commune with a butterfly. Enjoying the quiet before beginning a busy day. Just one example from the book that really made me think.

One of the aspects of haiku that I like the most is how a single moment or experience can be expressed/revisited, in only three short lines/ 17 syllables, in the traditional haiku form. It really is a magical form of poetry in my opinion!

Life IS the journey, not the destination. So true. We can miss a lot along the way that can bring us joy, peace....right here, right now; if we are always dwelling on the tomorrows and our plans for the future.

If you haven't read Haiku Mind, it's an excellent book. I reviewed it last year at My Real Life Reviews. You can read the full review here.

Hope you savor a tranquil moment; enjoying this "serene scene" and have a great week!
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