*life deals yet another 22
*dark days of despair become the norm
*sunshine has left the sky; silver linings hard to find
*no one seems to notice when you do the “right” thing
*the bills arrive on time; THE cheque doesn’t
*when a friend betrays a confidence
*a family member let’s us down
*when someone else gets the promotion
*dinner is a disaster, in spite of best efforts
*another “winner” chosen for the contest
*when someone you care about is hurt for no reason
*the newspaper stuns with a front page of doom/gloom
*the bank account seems to have dwindled overnight
*the will to try just once more is just not there…
*a perfect 21 is also in that deck
*it is always darkest before the dawn
*the sun always shines, who needs a lining!
*YOU always knows you’ve done the “right” thing
*the bills can wait one more day, the cheque IS in the mail
*maybe they weren’t that good of a friend after all
*forgive and forget is easier than bearing a grudge
*the job might not be the best for you upon closer scrutiny
*be thankful for food on the table and a second chance
*another contest is out there and it is YOURS
*to be sensitive to those in need is a gift. give it, often
*what about the “feel good” stories. they are there too.
*feel blessed to have a bank account with any money in it
*the best way to begin, is to begin; inspiration will follow
This is a poem I wrote a few years ago.
I was thinking about it again this past week and thought that the phrase: "let it go" would be a good thought/mantra to share. Sometimes, that's all we can do, isn't it?
Here's the link to the original post with reader's comments.
Have a wonderful week. :<)