For the month of July that is the question to answer, here at: Take A Happy Break!
In a comment for this post, complete this sentence:
Happiness is....
As it says in the song...happiness IS different things to different people.
I thought it would be fun to host a summer contest and ask that simple question.
If you had to sum up your definition of happiness in one sentence, what would it be?
A few minor details.... :<)
* Contest will close July 31st.
* One entry per person.
* Winners of the prizes will be posted here at Happy Break, the first week in August.
* Each entry will be given a number and prize winners will be chosen by a random number system.
* Open to all readers, wherever you live!
* Prizes must be claimed by August 15th so stop by in early August to see if you are one of the winners!
* I'll be notifying the winners and getting contact information for mailing out prizes in early August.
* Any unclaimed prizes by August 15th will then be given to the next random number generated.
I think it's going to be a lot of fun to read what your various definitions of "happiness" are.
Please spread the word on your blogs, to friends etc...and take the contest button/post link if you'd like to add it to your own blog! The more, the merrier! Thank you.
Please spread the word on your blogs, to friends etc...and take the contest button/post link if you'd like to add it to your own blog! The more, the merrier! Thank you.
Speaking of prizes. I decided to have a number of smaller ones so that more readers could potentially win. I LOVE freebies, love prizes and I am so happy to be able to host this contest and offer the following prizes to you:
Drumroll please....and in no particular order:
The Happiness Is ....Contest Prizes!
1 pair: Arabian Nights earrings from Catgirl Creations
1 pair: Revelstoke earrings from Catgirl Creations

1 pair: Apple Green earrings from Stacy Garrett Jewelry
3 prizes of: Signed copies of my cookbook: Not Just for Vegetarians
Set of 4 beautiful notecards designed by Teri Casper at: Teri's Painted Daisies
Set of 3 novelty cards from Seltzer Designs
Origami notepaper, design set.
Gourmet cat sampler (supplied by Mr. Cheddar!)
**Please mention if you have a cat when you leave a comment.
**Dog lovers: I did ask about a dog prize but well....oh Ched!!!
Good Luck!!!!
PS: My apologies for less than the best photos for these. We haven't had much sunshine/natural light to work with for weeks, here in BC; so I had to resort to flash pics.
Hi Geraldine, sent over by Sandy(one of our Header Challenge).
Neat prizes- sure my DW would like these.(n0 pets).
Happiness is "The love of a good woman - and the health to enjoy the love.
Interesting blog you have.
Happiness is being surprised by the notion of being truly loved.
Neat contest Geraldine.
Happiness is a fistful of daisies. You expected anything else from me?! Lol
Be back after dinner!
Hubby just went to pick up Chinese.
I'm back!
Dinner was so yummy!
I could come up with so many answers that mean happiness to me.
But only one comment so ...
Happiness is taking a snuggle break with my husband or my furry friends!
That's what came to mind.
Wonderful prizes!
Great contest!
Enjoy your weeknd, G.
Margie :)
Happiness is unconditional love with no questions asked.
Found you through Teri's page. Great idea!
Happiness is...hmmm...
Enjoying all the wonderful little surprises life holds for you...
I can't enter (for obvious reasons, me and the Ched that is) but I do think it's a great idea to focus on happy thoughts for a contest. We all do have our own personal definitions of what is happiness.
WOW and we're already July 3 so herre's mine:
happines is remembering that you are Love made from and living as Love
Happiness is two warm, soft, snuggly "meezer" cats!
(The Meezer and The Tonk!)
I am really enjoying reading your entries so far! What fun. And great to "meet" some new blogs/bloggers too.
Keep 'em coming!!!
Hugs and Happy Week, G :<)
that is a lot of prizes!
I did not realize you wrote a cookbook, that is awesome!
Happiness is: when my heart is open and joy and care pour out to all those around me.
Love this contest!! I have to give this some thought. Will be back in a few with my entry....
Happiness is knowing you are valued for exactly who you are.
Happiness is making daisy chains and sleeping under the stars.
Hi Geraldine,
Happiness me, happiness is snuggling with my newborn granddaughter as she drifts off to sleep in my arms.
Ah, here is how I would love to complete the sentence.. what I have been telling for years..
Happiness is so easy to come by...just practice happiness..
ohhh, i so love the spirit of this wonderful summer contest.... happiness is a beautiful sunny day at the beach...
I've enjoyed reading the comments too, good stuff indeed!!
happiness is seeing my two boys smile at me with love shining in their eyes
I got to thinking about what my own response would be to this question so here goes:
"Happiness is knowing you are in exactly the right place at exactly the right time."
I am SO enjoying your happiness interpretations, wonderful!
And no, I'm not entered for a prize LOL
Hugs and Happy Wednesday, G :<)
Happiness is deep listening.
In case I should win:h I have 3 cats..hihi and also can't wear pierced earrings as I once did , 'cause a little baby (stupid me) loved the big loop i had and ripped it right out, yeah OUCCH
aloha geraldine,
thanks for the invitation - happiness for me is enjoying the simple things in life especially everyday rituals to re-affirm my being.
This is very shallow... Happiness is a cosmopolitan while listening to the surf!
happiness is a yard full of blooming flowers on a perfectly sunny summer day.
...hope you are having a wonderful vacation away from the screen... i can totally relate... it is hard getting back online and writing...
I really like all the responses so far. It makes me happy reading them.
But for me -
Happiness is seeing the birds fly against the sparkling blue sky, lively and joyful, and knowing that no matter what the day brings I can see them again and again.
Good luck, everyone!
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