This post/photo is from the Happy Break archives.
Can't really improve on this one for heartfelt Easter wishes!
Mr. Cheddar is not in agreement with the add-on ears though. ;<)
A Happy Easter to all of you.
I hope the Easter Bunny (or Feline) is very generous this year.
Hugs and Headbonks!
Hugs and Headbonks!
I love this one. So happy you brought it back for more grins.
Ched, you're the man.
Happy Easter to you and Meowmeee.
Oh, Ched, this is such a good photo!
Happy Easter to you and Geraldine!
Herbert and Arthur send headbonks!
Hope you get some nice treats for Easter!
cute ears! have a lovely easter.
Hi Auntie Teri, Nice to see you again. Yeah, I am kind of terrific aren't I? It's not bragging if it's the truth right??? Snortsssss...
Hi Ms. Brenda, And headbonks back to my feline pals on the Prairies! Yes, there will hopefully be some special fare on the kibs menu here. It COULD happen!!
Hi Ms. Lissa, Cute ears, NOT! I think Meowmie should be wearing these. She did one Easter and it was such a HOOT!
Happy Easter back at ya all,
The Chedster, Fearless Bug Warrior (and back on bug patrol, in spite of what Meowmie might blog about soon) Snort................
Happy Easter!
This is a very good disguise Ched. You are the Easter Feline, that's for sure.
Happy Easter.
Hi Teri, It still makes me smile!
Hi Brenda, Ched and I both appreciate the nice greetings.
Hi Lissa, Mr. Cheddar doesn't agree LOL.
Hi Mr. Cheddar, Oh Ched....you always look great, even with bunny ears on!
Hi SandyL, And to you and your family too Sandy.
Hi Joe, He's got one more Easter trick up his ahem...sleeve, coming up over at Veggies soon. Another clever disguise.
Happy Easter to all of you! Hugs, G
Oh I do adore you, you make smile like nothing else thanks Ched and mommy
You are funny! I hope you had a great Easter!
Thanks for your kind words.
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