Sunday, August 26, 2012

A LOL with Mr. Cheddar and His New Pal !!

Mr. Cheddar and his new pal JJ !!
Feel free to leave a caption if one comes to mind.
For me, it's: RIDE THE CHAMPION!
Remember those mechanical horses they use to have at malls and grocery stores? Maybe they still do! I loved riding the Champion. Looks like JJ does too.
I don't know if the Chedster is all that amused though. ;<)
Wishing you a happy week with LOTS of LOL's.


Cathy said...

Sockin it to the Chedmaster lol

Omg a sock monkey!!!Chrissy made one for Lia and she LOVES it lol

The Ched look svery unconcerned at having a "MONKEY ON HIS BACK" lol

Teri said...

"What? this is a normal thing to do with a friend."


Joseph said...

This is so funny. Mr. Cheddar doesn't seem to be all that amused. But he does like his new buddy JJ.

Joseph said...

I forgot to leave a caption,

Yeeehawwww! Gideeup Cheddar.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

I'm surprised Mr. Chedder sat long enough for this photo, Ger.
I've always loved these sock monkeys,does Mr. Ched like to cuddle with it?

the caption I can think of, is "Very funny Meowmie!!! - Not!"

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hey, Chedman, What's up with the sock monkey?

Dear Mr. Ched,
Don't feel badly about this unusual photo, humans must have their fun.
It does make a feline wonder though - what next, doesn't it?

B has been following me and Arthur around trying to take amusing (to her) photos over the past two days, so Art and I can sympathize heartily with you.
However it's always great to see you!
Extra Headbonks!

Mr. Cheddar said...

Hi Ms. Cathy, I prefer "sock it to the sock monkey" !!!! And you are correct, I am NOT concerned about the monkey on my back 'cause he didn't stay there very long...I took care of that!

Hi Auntie Teri, No indeedy! That JJ is so goofy but I must try to get along with him. The humans seem to think he is so cute! I mean, the guy eats Banana Cheerios, what can I say!!! Snort.

Hi Pawmie, Giddeeeup back at ya Pawmie!!!

Hi Ms.B, Indeed, an excellent caption, I totally agree.

Hi Herb and Art, Yes, it takes so little to amuse them, I couldn't agree more. We must TRY to keep them happy and put up with some of their sillier notions I guess. Until we find a way to open that kibble cupboard on our own, then it's all over!!!

Headbonks, The Chedster, with NO monkey on his back, no- sir- re- bob!Whatever that means snort...

Out of Sight L said...

seriously Maw, like a feather on my back!

love it G. hugs and txs for the chuckle, i'll take it where I can
oh Ched you comfort me so well!

RURAL said...

I think my sister had one of those sock monkeys when she was little.


Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Geraldine said...

Hi Cath, That's a good one. Not that the Chedster agrees!

Hi Teri, LOL x 3 indeedy!

Hi Joe, I think they make a great team.

Hi Brenda, It didn't last long, click and run!!!

Hi H and A, Chedster is in complete agreement with you guys.

Hi Mr. C, Oh Cheddie!!!

Hi Lorraine, I'm glad this brought a smile to your day. We are sending good thoughts your way, always. Things will get better.

Hi Jen, Nuff said indeed. I'm wondering what Boo thought of this?

Happy Thursday, G

lissa said...

"my love, I cannot carry you any longer! my legs has grown tired. have you been hitting the peanut butter jars again?" -- just something that came to me when I saw this photo.

hop you're having a great day.

Brian Miller said...

awww...haha they look lie fun pals....

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