Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Week of Small Miracles

I've had quite a week here. A week of small miracles....
On Tuesday morning, I had a feeling of my heart racing, sweaty palms, nausea....and so I "bit the bullet" so to speak and headed off (with Joe) to the Emergency at our local hospital.
Good news, it wasn't a heart attack. The "racing heart" and nausea got traced back to a cup of coffee I'd drunk on an empty stomach, something I don't normally do. I did find out that my heart and lungs are in good shape but I do need to get back to more exercise (which I already know). I'm not one for visiting doctors on a regular basis so it was great to find out in this round about way that my heart is in good condition, blood work good, lungs too.
After this scary "episode" I've decided to kick the caffeine habit altogether so I've been suffering through some withdrawal symptoms: headache big time after the first day without caffeine but I think the worst is behind me know. I actually feel better without it! I'm rather proud of myself for taking this step as I've been enjoying coffee for a LONG time and never thought I'd be giving it up. But it is a drug and it is something I can do without.
While I was lying in the hospital that day, it struck me what a miracle our bodies are. All the systems that work together to keep us going and try to keep us well. A miracle that's for sure. I was so glad to go home that afternoon but it was a wake-up to once again commit myself to getting fitter, cutting back a bit on calories and showing my body the respect it deserves, in all ways.
I also found out about an amazing book called the MindBody Prescription by Dr. John Sarno featured in this clip on the TV program: 20/20 from a few years ago. I've been trying this approach for about a week now for an ongoing ankle issue I've had that flares up, off and on. It really works! The pain in my ankle is almost gone already (amazing but true) and I am able to exercise and walk more freely than I have in a very long time.
I've always believed that the connection of our mind and body is key to our health and well-being. But this doctor takes it to a new level, relating so many pain issues back to repressed anger and other emotional issues. All I know is that it's a harmless approach and for me it's working well. For thousands of other people too, based on this report.
Miracles can happen in the most unexpected ways, can't they? :<)


Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

I'm happy that this turned out okay for you. It must have been scary at first, but good for you for using your time lying on your back in emergency to reflect on the positives and to use it as a motivation to take good care of yourself.
This is great news that everything is good with your heart,even if you had the discomfort of being at the hospital.
I'll take a look at this link, it loos interesting.

Joseph said...

I'm so glad you weren't having a heart attack, I'm very relieved.

I do believe in the connection between our minds and bodies and how it affects our health. This doctor really has some good suggestions.

Out of Sight L said...

That is so true about the mind/body connection and I'm so glad you feel better, you're important to me and to so many others I'd hate to think of you as hurting...I once read in a very spiritual books that you could eat the healthiest food, be in excellent form, drink all the right things, but if you live in fear you will become ill. My stress, my fears, they are what made me break...I am so happy for you that you've made that discovery 'cause its really something you have to experience yourself to truly understand. Bless you and your good health now and forever :)
ps I only have one coffee a day now instead of a whole pot lol it does tend to excite the nerves

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Ger,
I've had the chance to view the videos about Dr. Sarno, and have put the Kindle edition of Mind Body Connection on my wish list. I plan to read it soon, it looks very good.
Take care, and have a good day, Ger!

Geraldine said...

Hi Brenda, I'm glad it was good news too but yes, quite an upsetting morning until I got past the waiting to hear results. I think you'll find Dr. Sarno's book very helpful. He really is a remarkable doctor who has helped so many people. And who has kept to the standard of "first do no harm" something so many allopathic doctors have forgotten along the way...

Hi Joe, I'm glad too. I know it was a very stressful day for you too. So glad you were there.

Hi Lorraine, That's good about the one cup of java a day L, I'm glad to read this. You are such a sweetie, thanks for your lovely kind words and wishes to me, always.

Happy, Healthy Week, G

Teri said...

I'm so happy you came out of this unscathed and smarter. Our bodies are so amazing. They always alert us when something is out of kilter but we have to be wise enough to take action. Good luck with your healthy new goals.

lissa said...

our body does work somewhat in mysterious way. I once read a story about a girl who lived after her heart stopped for a couple of days while waiting for a transplant. I can't remember the details but her doctors did say it was a miracle of some sort that she is alive. so anything can happen.

have a great day.

Geraldine said...

Hi Teri, Thanks, I am too. And I feel SO much better, off the coffee. More alert, less tired...I thought I'd be dragging around without it LOL, but just the opposite.

Hi Lissa, This was a wake up call for me, I know it. And I'm making some positive changes to get back on track physically. Dr. Sarno's suggestions are really helping me too and not just for my ankle issues. I think repressed anger can cause a LOT of problems, some internally. Having a daily "rant" session with my journal is really helpful and calming.

Happy Wednesday, G

Quiet Paths said...

Very happy that you got to the source of it. I've been on low caffeine for awhile now but haven't gone cold turkey. It's good to make an effort for ourselves - esp before winter! You inspire others.

Gillena Cox said...

good luck with no-coffee program and exercise

much love...

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