Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm Taking a Happy Break!

I'm taking a break from blogging here for now as I am on my own special Happy Break!
I had some wonderful news in October and now I am following-up with a couple of projects that are taking up most of my time these days. All good stuff!
Some of you already know what I am referring too. :<)
In the meantime, I wish you lots of happy days, happy breaks and great surprises.
Dreams... can come true.


Out of Sight L said...

WOW fantastic good for you, now I'm just dying to know what it is?
I know you're trying to change the Quebec Policy,show you're strenght women tell them off, I'm with you a 100%...What? I should contact them...well you speak clearly unlike me it's not my fault I was born with a lisp, worse when I was a child now at lesst I only lisps with xs and Ss saucy me hum! anyhoo enjoy xx

Margie said...

So happy for your Happy Break :)
May the dream come true!!!!

Margie xo

Joseph said...

It's good you are taking a happy break because you've had some great news, that's for sure.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

This sounds great!
I am hoping all works out for your projects, and will wait to hear the mysterious conclusion! :)

Out of Sight L said...

So true, mine did Sammi came back :) extremely hurt, but healing more and more xxx

Geraldine said...

Sometimes we do have to remind ourselves that dreams can and do come true; we can never give up on that. I'm ready to embrace that wonderful concept in a big way these days. :<)

Busy, busy...but with good stuff! Love it.

Wishing you a happy week, G

Teri said...

I think Bo Bo is a Portugeuse waterdog if I remember correctly.

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